An exploration of Mutual Fund Investing, tracking hypothetical portfolios and comparing Managed Funds, Index Funds and ETFs and other random thoughts about saving, investing, and managing money.
Portfolio Update 10/03/08: The Show Must Go On
Well there have been some big swings up over the last few weeks, but make no mistake, the markets have tanked. Oh well, the show must go on.
If you think the market Year-To-Date totals are bad, check out from early May to last Friday for the portfolios in this competition.
Updates like this one, have pushed the ETF 20 portfolio into second place:
What I find interesting is that have an investment portfolio including bonds and international equities has not really helped much in performance compared to just buying SPY, tracking the 500 largest US companies.
Also worth noting is the fall of My Brokerage from second place to sixth. Some of the loss may be due to Morningstar's corrections, but the main source of short term misery is my higher weight in Real Estate with a position in BXP Boston Properties and a few other holdings that don't match the hypothetical portfolios.
WylieMoney 20 Mostly Managed ETF 20 WylieMoney Slowly Lazy 20 Mostly Index Three Fund Index S&P 500
I hail from the South, lived out West, and currently call the Northeast home. I studied philosophy in school (Derrida, the ancient Greeks), was a musician for a while (Percussion), and work in higher education, managing technology projects.
I blog about saving, investing and managing money because I enjoy it- both doing it and writing about it!
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