
Next WylieMoney Slowly Fund: Small Cap Blend

When I first picked a Small Cap Blend fund, I picked DISSX Dreyfus Small Cap Stk Indx My Post. At this point, out of all the no-load, no fee small cap bend funds available through Etrade, DISSX has the worst 10 year return. It also has the worst 5 year return.

So I'm moving on. The best 5 and 3 year performances were posed by RYVFX Royce Value Svc. RYVFX has an average Expense Ratio, for the group. Morningstar actual has a lower expense ratio listed, but who knows if Morningstar's data is up to date.

Royce Value Svc. also has a middle of the road turnover ratio for small cap funds.

The one thing about this fund which is a concern for the experiment I am tracking is that it does not stay in the small cap blend category all the time.

From mid cap blend to small cap blend to mid cap growth and currently small cap blend, this fund gets around. Regardless, it is small cap blend now, I'm looking for the best small cap blend fund for my hypothetical portfolio, so the next day the markets take a dive, I'm adding $2500 in RYVFX Royce Value Svc. to the WylieMoney Slowly portflio.

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