
Portfolio Update 8/1/08: Changes

Morningstar has made Changes (thought you were going to get Bowie?) to its portfolio tool. Recent market activity has chased all color out of the portfolio interface as you'll see in the portfolios below.

Also, Morningstar's attempt to look more web 2.0 has made it very very tedious to copy and past the weekly updates into excel.

I'm a sad blogger dude.

The market has also undergone some changes. Instead of plummeting sharply, it is now rising gently.

I suppose I should adjust this graph in excel to account for the S&P 500 going under $43,000.

My portfolio list has also seen changes. My IRAs pulled ahead of the ETF 20 portfolio.

WylieMoney 20 Mostly Managed

WylieMoney Slowly

Lazy 20 Mostly Index

Three Fund Index

ETF 20

S&P 500

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