
Happy Tax Day!

Today is the last day to send the government your money so they can turn around and give me my apology check!

If you have not filed yet, don't forget, if you use Turbotax, you can get a discount by clicking here. I railed before about how absurd it was for Turbotax to charge for its free version so it could then provide a 'discount.'

A WylieMoney reader noted that the Free Edition is not the same as the Basic Edition. This appears true despite the fact that both editions describe themselves as for "Simple" returns and are listed in the same ad format as the far left option which is deceptive and misleading.

Regardless, the Discount page does not even note that a free option is available which is poor form so if you have a very simple return and have not filed yet, go find the free version!

Also note that if you plan to waste money on (I mean treat yourself to) a coffee at Duncan Donuts today, you can get a donut for free (Thanks for the tip Marian and Sheryl!).

If someone tries to offer you a discounted donut, well, don't be suprised, but don't pay...

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