An exploration of Mutual Fund Investing, tracking hypothetical portfolios and comparing Managed Funds, Index Funds and ETFs and other random thoughts about saving, investing, and managing money.
Portfolio Update 3/28/08: ETFs on the Rise
As we approach May and close in on the first year since this experiment began the three index portflios have converged with losses of -5.91% to -5.41%. Investing in the S&P 500 alone would have resulted in a loss of -10.73%. Investing in the mostly managed options I researched would have resulted in a loss of -3.04%
The ETF 20 portfolio, the truest index version of the WylieMoney 20, had a rough start in 2007 but has been the best performer in 2008 and had an excellent week last week.
I hail from the South, lived out West, and currently call the Northeast home. I studied philosophy in school (Derrida, the ancient Greeks), was a musician for a while (Percussion), and work in higher education, managing technology projects.
I blog about saving, investing and managing money because I enjoy it- both doing it and writing about it!
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