An exploration of Mutual Fund Investing, tracking hypothetical portfolios and comparing Managed Funds, Index Funds and ETFs and other random thoughts about saving, investing, and managing money.
Portfolio Update 11/28/08: Curtains
Last week, I asked for some Help! and we got it. This week saw a nice rebound, but alas it is Curtains for the reign of the WylieMoney 20 Mostly Managed Portfolio as the best performing portfolio in my experiment.
The ETF 20 portfolio pulled ahead, but was unable to beat the WylieMoney Slowly portfolio which had a great week.
This is the second time we've seen a sharp rebound after a steep dive in these weekly updates. Only time will tell if we've hit the bottom.
WylieMoney Slowly ETF 20 WylieMoney 20 Mostly Managed Three Fund Index Lazy 20 Mostly Index S&P 500
I hail from the South, lived out West, and currently call the Northeast home. I studied philosophy in school (Derrida, the ancient Greeks), was a musician for a while (Percussion), and work in higher education, managing technology projects.
I blog about saving, investing and managing money because I enjoy it- both doing it and writing about it!
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