
Free art! Free wine!

The psyche needs beauty.

Riker sums it up in Human Excellence when he states "From its unequaled exposition in Plato's Symposium, through its worship by the Romantics, to its grounding of Whitehead's vast metaphysical system, the desire for beauty has been recognized as a basic human need.*"

So how is a wylie spirit to meet this basic human need without spending money?

Check out local open studios. Some of the artists you will encounter may be at the ummm... "early" stages of their careers, but some artists are creating amazingly rich art and are showing it for free.

One example of the latter type of artist is Dave Anastasi who runs the site east3rd.com and is participating in the Somerville Open Studios May 5-6. 2007.

Dave explains: "This show will be a celebration of alcohol, with its vibrant colors and seductive curves captured in a series of abstract photographs. Wine and hor d'oeuvres will be served.'

Not only does the frugal connoisseur of fine art have an opportunity to check out great up and coming artists, she finds free drink and food in the process. I imagine Dave is not the only artist of the 300+ participating who is serving snacks.

The risk here is that you will find an item that you want to buy, thus rendering ineffective your frugal plans. If this is the case, and your judgment has not faltered after a day of cheap Bacchic revelry and the piece you intend to purchase is awesome, do not feel guilty.

Purchasing seductive pictures of alcohol along with activities like donating time and money to charity are among the reasons we save and attempt to build wealth in the first place, right?

Events are scheduled all year long- Boston Area open studios:

*John Riker, Human Excellence and an Ecological Conception of the Psyche (New York: State University of New York Press, 1991), 101.

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