An exploration of Mutual Fund Investing, tracking hypothetical portfolios and comparing Managed Funds, Index Funds and ETFs and other random thoughts about saving, investing, and managing money.
The portfolios I track shifted position this week as index funds fell further than managed funds. The last few weeks saw the index portfolios pull ahead, but this week, not only did the WylieMoney Portfolio pull back ahead of the Lazy and ETF Portfolios, my brokerage pulled ahead of the Three Fund index portfolio for the first time in a long while.
The top performing fund last week was TLT iShares Barclays 20+ Year Treas Bond, up 2.32%. The top ten funds, of the funds I track, were all bond funds.
Natural Resources, small caps, and financial services all fell last week but Real Estate fell the most with REACX American Century Real Estate Inv down 6.57%.
One more week like last week and one of the portfolios I track will show less than 10% loss. Will we see a portfolio turn a profit in 2009? Index funds continue to outpace managed funds, but my IRA had the best week, since Real Estate had a strong week and my IRA has a higher percentage invested in Real Estate than the other portfolios.
WylieMoney Slowly Lazy 20 Mostly Index ETF 20 WylieMoney 20 Mostly Managed Three Fund Index S&P 500
Maybe I should fail to post more often. The ETF and Lazy 20 Mostly Index Portfolio have overtaken the WylieMoney 20 Mostly Managed portfolio. All three are close, but the managed funds I chose have not rebounded as solidly as their index categories over the last month.
I keep waiting for a pullback myself, but almost every day the markets post a small but solid gain. Will it last?
WylieMoney Slowly ETF 20 Lazy 20 Mostly Index WylieMoney Mostly Managed Three Fund Index S&P 500
I hail from the South, lived out West, and currently call the Northeast home. I studied philosophy in school (Derrida, the ancient Greeks), was a musician for a while (Percussion), and work in higher education, managing technology projects.
I blog about saving, investing and managing money because I enjoy it- both doing it and writing about it!